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Run java code in multiple jvm instances

java testing concurrency jvm

Error “can't create Java VM” trying to use Ruby Java Bridge (RJB) gem

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Sbt: compile using Java 6 and run using Java 7

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iReport 5.5.0 won't start

Which programming languages can only run on JVM?

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Get time spent in garbage collector

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Memory details of JVM as a process

NoSuchMethodError when using Spark and IntelliJ

jmap - Does histo & heap operation bring overhead to jvm?

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What happens if you don't specify the maxmetaspace parameter in a java 8 rcp app?

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Safepoints in JVM

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Garbage collection seems to shutdown local executor and cause RejectedExecutionException

What does the code comment 'HD, Figure' mean in Java java.lang.Integer class?

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Full stack trace of an error/exception in clojure

What performance benefits does Oracle's commercial Hotspot JVM have over OpenJDK?

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Clojure Video Data Performance Questions

JNI crashing JVM - A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION

Java G1 GC: Programmatically finding the number of humongous regions before/after GC

In Java Memory Pool what is the replacement of Code Cache replacement in JAVA 11?

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Compilation to Bytecode, Java vs Python. What is the reason for the difference in time taken?