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iReport 5.5.0 won't start

"Document has no pages" on iReport and nothing on OpenReports

jasper-reports ireport

Having many separate - unrleated datasets in iReport

How to display bar value for each bar in a bar graph?

Jasper Reports wide crosstab on multiple pages

How to avoid of missing cell's border when a record is separated between 2 pages?

New page in iReport

jasper-reports ireport

How to print the grand total only in the last page of a very long report?

jasper-reports ireport

How to set background color to entire page in iReport?

jasper-reports ireport

iReport with Eclipse: how to use it?

eclipse ireport

iReport (JasperReports) extra row issue

"No protocol specified" when running a sudo/su app on Ubuntu Linux

ubuntu ireport

"No data found." text in Jasper Report

jasper-reports ireport

How to use dynamic variable in "print when expression"?

jasper-reports ireport

How to create watermark in the background band in iReport

jasper-reports ireport

Best fit curve for trend line

return a variable from one subReport to another subReport in Jaspersoft Ireport

ireport subreport