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Jasper Reports wide crosstab on multiple pages

I have a crosstab with many columns but only a few rows. When I generate the report the crosstab reuses the empty space below the rows from one page and renders the next columns for the same rows. This way several pages are compacted vertically on one page: enter image description here

I want the columns from day 20 to day 27 (the second part of the crosstab) to be displayed on a new page not on the same page and leave that space empty.

like image 214
Tiberiu Avatar asked Jan 16 '23 08:01


1 Answers

The solution is to set the Column Break Offset property of the crosstab to a very high value such that it exceeds the page height. This way the report will continue on the next page.

like image 195
Tiberiu Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 14:01
