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Which programming languages can only run on JVM?




Depending on where you live, trying to download the JVM may result in a message like this:

The Java(TM) cannot be downloaded to your machine. You are located in an embargoed country.

In my opinion, teachers in IT should inform children about problems that can emerge from this restricted access (OpenJVM is not Oracle JVM and is not used in enterprise/government). No official JVM updates means no fixing of vulnerabilities, exploits, bugs and so on. If JVM is officially unavailable it is reason enough to inform children about the possible consequences.

Hence my question: what languages can only run on JVM/OpenJVM?

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DuckQueen Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 19:03


1 Answers

Java bytecode can be recompiled to LLVM and the same probably applies for Scala - quite possibly for all of them. Clojure also has an implementation on the CLR. All other languages that can run on the JVM already have their own implementations (like Python and Ruby).

Technically, I don't think there are many languages that can only run on (Oracle's) JVM. The question, of course, is whether all the alternative implementations are of any help to you, considering that they may be forbidden as well.

Furthermore, I sense that this isn't the point of your question: you said that a given alternative may not be used over there because it isn't an "official" product. If people, corporations or the government actively and consciously choose a specific implementation over any alternatives, then by definition there is no answer for them.

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Theodoros Chatzigiannakis Avatar answered Apr 20 '23 01:04

Theodoros Chatzigiannakis