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How to make the event-driven consumer in Apache Camel delete the consumed messages?

I have a rest service that sends messages to my queue, and these are routed to file:


Also, I have an event-driven consumer on the endpoint. For now this only writes to the log if a message is consumed:

final Consumer consumer = endpoint.createConsumer(new Processor() {
        public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
            String message = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);

            LOG.info("Message processed: " + message);

This is all working fine. In the /test folder I am getting a new file for every message I recieve, and additionally the consumer creates a marker file appended with .camelLock. Using the readLock=none option prevents the consumer from making these marker files, as expected.

However, neither the message files nor the marker files are deleted after consumption. Am I perhaps missing something in my consumer implementation?

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Mimeshead Avatar asked Mar 19 '23 19:03


1 Answers

When you manually create a consumer like that with an inlined processor, you need to manually done the UoW of the Exchange when you are done to trigger work that would delete/move the file etc.


You can also try wrapping your processor with the UnitOfWorkProducer that should do the done of the UnitOfWork for you.

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Claus Ibsen Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 04:04

Claus Ibsen