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New posts in pass-by-reference

How to pass function by reference?

Return parameter passing in Julia

pass-by-reference julia

Java is clearly a pass by value but wanted some clarification

is it better t use &$ with large strings to save memory?

Updating an item in an array passed by reference

Finding numbers greater and less than in array

c pass-by-reference

Pass by object reference good practices

python pass-by-reference

JNI Pass By Reference, Is it Possible?

Java array of primitive data types

Passing Values from modal form to parent form vb.net

boost::ref and boost::asio completion handlers, pass-by-reference

c-code reference to a struct

c pass-by-reference

C++, fstream objects passed to functions as reference, const?

C++ - the linker can't find my function, which happens to be an overloaded operator [duplicate]

how to make copy of array instead of reference in java? [duplicate]

Does Swift Automatically Clone Arguments?

why do we need to capture reference for a reference in lambda?

pass by reference with increment operator

Why should we use double pointer for adding node in front/back, but not in the middle?

PHP foreach statement by reference: unexpected behaviour when reusing iterator