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New posts in operator-overloading

create ++ operator in VHDL

how to call operator + in operator +=

c++ operator-overloading

Is there any way to call class operators with out using * , in a pointer to class type?

c++ operator-overloading

Avoiding to defer "child" object construction with `operator<<`

If you overload operator== do you also need to overload operator!=?

Is there a workaround to make class operators work for built-in types

How to take address of an overloaded operator defined as a friend in class body in C++

c++ operator-overloading

How to define a method so that return the instance of the current class not of the class where it was inherited in Python?

c++: Multiple definitions when overriding operators

c++ operator-overloading

operator-> repeats until it returns a value of non-class type

Operator overload not found when used in a lambda within a namespace

Implicit conversion between two classes based on integral type

Comparing std::vector using own class in namespace does not compile

How to perform a null check in an equality operator overload

C++ exception specification for iostream operator overloading

Integer cast overload being used instead of bool cast overload

Why does the operator overloading fail when i try to sum a number plus a matrix? (but it works the opposite way)

Preventing implicit conversion operator only for binary operators

C++ : error: invalid operands of types ‘String*’ and ‘const char [7]’ to binary ‘operator+’

operator<< cannot output std::endl -- Fix?