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how to silence gcc warning against c++17 features?

c++ gcc c++17

Why does std::get not have a single signature that accepts a forwarding reference

c++ c++11 c++14 c++17 stdtuple

C++17 template deduction guide not used for empty parameter set?

Idiomatically split a string_view

c++ c++17 string-view

disable branch with "if constexpr" and SFINAE

trailing return type of deduction guide is not a specialization

c++ templates c++17

Is it possible to invoke a variadic template function without explicit specialization?

How to make lambdas work with std::nullopt

Template class instantiation without angular brackets

DLL exporting causing issues with unique pointers

c++ stl c++14 c++17 dllexport

Can you initialise "static const vectors" of unique_ptrs? (C++17 with GCC 7.3)

c++ gcc stl c++17

Why does `std::unary_function` still compile in c++17?

c++ g++ c++17

Is it possible to avoid the need for copy/move constructors in the following code?

Variadic template for multidimensional std::array

How to write a generic trait to match T::value_type against other traits? [closed]

c++ c++17

Explicit match of template template arguments

Template Specialization with Default Value

Different behaviour of my type_trait in templated/non-templated code

c++ c++17 typetraits

Is it safe to call size() method on moved-from vector? [duplicate]

Static multidimensional array, dimensionality definition at compile time

c++ arrays c++17 compile-time