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New posts in move-semantics

C++11 constructors

c++ c++11 move-semantics

How to improve std::vector parameter passing (move semantics?)

c++ c++11 move-semantics

How to a mark a function as invalidating its argument

Why doesn't this std::string C++ code give compile-time error?

c++ string move-semantics

Making a const unique_ptr then trying to std::move from it gives the same error as if you were trying to access the copy constructor

Is it safe to call size() method on moved-from vector? [duplicate]

vector<map<move-only type>> does not compile with MSVC

return std::move(m_field) or return m_field?

c++ move-semantics

std::move and static_cast<T&&> different results [duplicate]

Should I move a callee's return value if I'm going to construct an object with it?

How to enforce a calling of a moving constructor (C++)?

Moving a vector of unique_ptr<T> [duplicate]

Moving array of unique_ptr<T> in a recursive data structure

rvalue reference binding to an lvalue for std::function types

c++ c++11 move-semantics

scoped thread wrapper for std::thread

Replacing std::function from within itself (by move-assignment to *this?)

std::unique_ptr test before taking ownership

std::vector move instead of swap to empty vector and deallocate storage [duplicate]

c++ c++11 move-semantics

Is a variable that is about to go out of scope an lvalue or an xvalue?

Does std::move result in slicing?