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New posts in smart-pointers

C++11 unique_ptr array and constructor parameters

c++11 stl smart-pointers

Specifying a Deleter for std::shared_ptr that works on all objects of a particular type or its derived types

Is this smart pointer wrapper for SDL types safe?

c++ c++11 sdl smart-pointers

Why atomic overloads for shared_ptr exist

Making a const unique_ptr then trying to std::move from it gives the same error as if you were trying to access the copy constructor

make_unique error in compile time [duplicate]

c++ stl smart-pointers

Recommended way to make std::unique_ptr of array type without value initialization?

Using Smart Pointers with Factory Pattern

C++ multiple inheritance and upcasted smart pointer destruction causes heap corruption in VS 2017

Passing const unique_ptr reference as parameter

c++ c++11 c++14 smart-pointers

Why is shared_ptr counter incremented when passed as const reference to base class?

How can I ensure RVO instead of copy is performed?

c++ smart-pointers nrvo

How to implement smart pointer which can be instantiated with void?

weak_ptr and parent-child cyclic dependencies

Accelerated C++: Can I substitute raw pointers for smart pointers?

In well designed code should you expect locking of weak_ptr to always succeed?

Function overloading resolution with weak_ptr as argument

Why method of class does not have access to some field of my class?

Is there any advantage to using a naked pointer rather than a weak_ptr?

smart_ptr to attribute of class segfault