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New posts in factory-pattern

Creating an object via lambda factory vs direct "new Type()" syntax

c# lambda factory-pattern

Static Factory: Java Design Issue

How to inject dependencies in spring for objects created dynamically at run time?

correctly override __new__ in python3

Using Smart Pointers with Factory Pattern

Generic factory method for a generic interface

c# generics factory-pattern

Does the return value of an abstract method can be of generic type

Naming convention for GoF Factory?

Replacing abstract factory with Guice?

guice factory-pattern

Singleton in Conjunction with the Factory Pattern in PHP5

What is the most effective way of writing a factory method? [closed]

Is the typical C++ implementation of Factory class flawed?

When should the factory pattern be used?

Name for the Strings that Define Magento Class Names

does a factory just return an implementation of an interface?


Constructor Injection - Do we inject factories as well?