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Builder pattern multiple varargs [duplicate]

Need I make all classes immutable?

Java - Generics - Explicit casting and cast method of Class "Class<?>"

Effective Java Item 9, is the CaseInsensitiveString example correct?

java effective-java

Is terminating an object is the same as nulling it?

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What is a Scalar type and why is it riskier to suppress an unchecked cast to an array type than to a scalar type? [closed]

Should you avoid Guavas Ordering.usingToString()?

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What is the most effective way of writing a factory method? [closed]

Is this class fully Immutable?

Item 9 (equals contract) from Effective Java: is the example correct?

Why UnaryFunction<Object> can be casted to UnaryFunction<T>?

In what ways can putting some code in try catch blocks prevent the JVM from doing optimization?

Need explanation for hashcode example in Effective Java textbook

Effective java Item no 74(on serialization): Implement Serializable judiciously

java effective-java

bitwise operator >>> in hashCode

Why are many Android API classes non-final, even though they are not explicitly documented for inheritance?

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Why is the volatile field copied to a local variable when doing double check locking

Effective Java item 16 (2nd edition) - Is Forwarding class only used to allow re-use?

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What is wrong with this Java Puzzlers piece of code?

generic maximum function in Java [duplicate]