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New posts in builder-pattern

Builder pattern multiple varargs [duplicate]

Keeping builder in separate class (fluent interface)

Automatic generation of immutable class and matching builder class of a Java interface

Builder Pattern useful with Setter-methods?

lombok - @Builder pattern in multiple shots

java lombok builder-pattern

How to efficiently create and use the builder pattern

Joshua Bloch's Builder pattern and PMD warnings

java pmd builder-pattern

How should I approach wrapping the Composite pattern into the Builder pattern?

Is it possible to hide variables from lambda's closure?

Understanding Builder Pattern in C#

How to make a builder for a Kotlin data class with many immutable properties

kotlin builder-pattern

Is there a clean way to use the Builder pattern to build a multi-level tree?

java tree builder-pattern

Why is Builder pattern better than a Constructor with arguments in the Class's object being created?

c++ builder-pattern

How to use default value in the builder pattern if that value is not passed and also make thread safe?

When using a Builder Pattern why shouldn't I reuse the builder-object to access the object configuration?

Best way to handle object's fields validation => Either / Try (scala 2.10) / ValidationNEL (scalaz)

What would be considered good examples of implementing the builder pattern when used in the development of a GUI?

Builder Pattern : Why does the Director construct the object?

Is this a valid Java implementation of an immutable class and the Builder pattern?