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collapsing \/[A,A] to A

Scalaz unboxed tagged type not automatically unboxed

"private[syntax]" in Scala [duplicate]

scala scalaz scalaz7

Missing Functor and Monad instances when using scala.concurrent.Future with EitherT

How to use a Monad Transformer when Disjunction is the outermost container?

Simple control flow in scalaz effect

scala scalaz scalaz7

scalaz 7 equivalent of `<|*|>` from scalaz 6

scala scalaz scalaz7

Scalaz 7 Iteratee to process large zip file (OutOfMemoryError)

Scalaz Tree to JSON

json scala tree scalaz scalaz7

How to I convert between monad stacks with transformers in scalaz 7

Logging and ignoring exception from Task in scalaz-streams

scala scalaz7 scalaz-stream

Scalaz Validation with applicative functor |@| not working

How to use playframework 2.3 with specs2 2.4 instead of specs2 2.3.x

Best way to handle object's fields validation => Either / Try (scala 2.10) / ValidationNEL (scalaz)

How to solve type mismatch when compiler finds Serializable instead of the match type?

Map and reduce/fold over HList of scalaz.Validation

Lifting a bijection into a functor