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Why does scalaz's implementation of Monoid for Option evaluate the f2 function twice?

scala scalaz scalaz7

Combining validations with scalaz 7

State transformations with a shapeless State monad

Scalaz - combining List and State Monad in for comprehension

Scalaz: how to compose a map lens with a value lens?

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Set sequencing type puzzle

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How to return a tuple inside an EitherT

How to split F[A \/ B] into (F[A], F[B])

scala scalaz scalaz7

how does work scalaz.Validation loopSuccess and loopFailure

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|+| is a semigroup, why it needs a monoid implicit resolution

How to use IO with Scalaz7 Iteratees without overflowing the stack?

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Monadic fold with State monad in constant space (heap and stack)?

Managing imports in Scalaz7

scala scalaz scalaz7

Convert scala 2.10 future to scalaz.concurrent.Future // Task

scala scalaz scalaz7

Combining EitherT and Future

Where is `sequence` in Scalaz7

scala scalaz scalaz7

Why isn't Validation a Monad?

scala monads scalaz scalaz7