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New posts in variadic-functions

marshaling variable arguments - __arglist or alternative

What is the use of variadic constructor in C++?

Builder pattern multiple varargs [duplicate]

Why it compiles "List<String> lst; Object[] o = lst;" if List<String> is varargs?

java variadic-functions

varags functions that return vargas lambdas lua

What is difference between varagrs using (int...i) and (Integer...i)

Implement STL functions in variadic template

Variadic templates type traits resolution

__VA_ARGS__ Macro expansion

How to check if NSString format contains the same number of specifiers as there are variadic arguments?

Undefined number of arguments in C++ [duplicate]

Writing a variadic macro that uses the names of the arguments passed

vsnprintf and varargs not working, weird results

c variadic-functions

Concatenate some value(s) to a vararg parameter array

C Is it possible for a function taking va_list to use it more than once?

c variadic-functions

How to template Varaidic as return type in template?

c++ variadic-functions

Using va_args without passing num (like printf)

c variadic-functions

Semantics of std::bind and/or std::forward

Most specific method with matches of both fixed/variable arity (varargs)

java variadic-functions jls

Most readable way to add elements to Java vararg call

java variadic-functions