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Java 8: Accessibility of Interface members

java java-8 jls

Inconsistency in java.lang.Double implementation (Oracle JDK 1.8)?

java java-8 double jls

How does the JLS specify that wildcards cannot be formally used within methods?

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Is a label a Java statement or not?

java jls

Most specific method with matches of both fixed/variable arity (varargs)

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Return within a for loop [duplicate]

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Clarification from Java Janguage Specification

java jls

What operations may (not) throw StackOverflowError?

Out-of-order writes for Double-checked locking

Why does JLS state that the largest int literal is 2147483648?

java jls

Java inference : type variable with an upper bound that is an array type

Restrictions on Java intersection types with interfaces classes and type variables

java types jls

Why open a non-existing package from a Java module?

java java-module jls

Are the early versions of the Java Language Specification and VM specification available online?

java jls

Is the JDK documentation part of the language specification?

java jls

Is there a mobi version of Java Language Specification?

java kindle jls

How does the Java compiler choose the runtime type for a parameterized type with multiple bounds?