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New posts in java-module

Javadoc comments in module-info

What are the predefined modules in JDK9 or Which module do I need to fix dependency problems?

How do I dynamically load modules from a directory in Java 9+

java java-module

com.sun.javafx.collections in Java 9

how to generate javadoc for multiple modules

Is it possible to start a Java Runtime Image with prunsrv using jvm mode?

How to call a service from module in a new created layer in Java 9?

java java-9 java-module

Main method doesn't run inside a module

Why open a non-existing package from a Java module?

java java-module jls

Can not use JNA: com.sun.jna.Library is not accessible

How is Java 9 running code compiled with Java 8 that is using a non-exported package

java java-9 java-module

Securely Export Packages to Java Modules

java java-9 java-module

What is the difference between ResolvedModule, Module and Observable Module

Inspect --module-path value at runtime

Flyway can't access resources during testing after adding `module-info.java`

Why do we need requires static in java-9 module system? [duplicate]