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New posts in java-platform-module-system

Where to find the Java 9 module descriptor reference? [closed]

What are the predefined modules in JDK9 or Which module do I need to fix dependency problems?

How to add org.eclipse.swt (and other plugin dependencies) as an automatic Java9 module?

Can not use JNA: com.sun.jna.Library is not accessible

Can I provide runtime compiler access when running with JRE in Java 9+?

Java 9: jigsaw and hibernate 5.2.12 doesn't work

Eclipse Java 11 classpath only not working compared to Maven

What is the difference between ResolvedModule, Module and Observable Module

Java9 packager with jlink compress tags

Ambiguous call to Module

Java 9: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.sql.SQLException in Spring Boot application [duplicate]

Why do we need requires static in java-9 module system? [duplicate]

Unable to derive module descriptor for auto generated module names in Java 9?

Why is Sun inventing another module system when everyone has standardised on OSGi?