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How to assign unique id to swt widget and get it in swtbot?

override close action in eclipse editor

Force Look/Feel in SWT

Eclipse plugin development for Eclipse

java eclipse eclipse-rcp rcp

Activator.getImageDescriptor(path) returns null even though plugin.xml makes use of identical path for icons

Unknown packaging: eclipse-target-definition

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How to get the active part in a particular partstack in eclipse e4?

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SWTBot vs. Unit Testing

How to add org.eclipse.swt (and other plugin dependencies) as an automatic Java9 module?

In Eclipse RCP, how do I disable a save toolbar button according to the "dirty" property in editor

java eclipse-rcp

Eclipse RCP: How to OpenPreferencesAction on particular page?


Display.getCurrent().asyncExec not run in parallel?

swt eclipse-rcp

Will Eclipse 3.8 (or Juno) be able to run on Java 9?

"Add Required Plug-ins" button in Eclipse RCP product configuration?


How to initialize a toggle button's selection state in a view's toolbarin an eclipse rcp

eclipse eclipse-rcp

Eclipse RCP application without Eclipse GUI

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Eclipse Plug-In Dependencies Vanished

Waiting for all Runnables submitted to SWT UI thread with Display::asyncExec() to finish

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How to update view title

eclipse-rcp rcp

How do I toggle the menu button icon and tooltip text for an Eclipse plugin?