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ILazyContentProvider updating everything at each viewer.setItemCount()

java eclipse-plugin swt jface

override close action in eclipse editor

How to set SWT label padding?

java layout swt jface

Items decorations in a TreeViewer

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How to calculate max fitting font size for Label?

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JFace dialog button translation

java swt jface

How to add a tooltip for TableViewer cell's in Java SWT

java swt jface

Resizeble Dialog in Java SWT

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How do I change the background selection color for a jface table

java eclipse-rcp jface

SWT: InputDialog used for password input

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Can't use JFace and SWT in eclipse without creating plugin

java eclipse swt classpath jface

SWT Text widget: how to insert own MenuItems into the default context menu?

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Mocking eclipse SWT/JFACE dialogs and widgets

eclipse unit-testing swt jface

SWT: How to use only one scrollbar to scroll two seaparate viewers

"Quick find" for an SWT Table

java eclipse swt jface

swt/jface databinding: PojoProperties vs PojoObservable

Add dynamic tabs in tabbed property view of eclipse

Programmatically Fire a RCP Selection Event

java eclipse-rcp jface