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How to make an eclipse partstack not disappear when the last part is closed?

eclipse rcp e4

How to get the active part in a particular partstack in eclipse e4?

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How to open another Part in Eclipse e4

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Eclipse e4 - Missing Constraint: Require-Capability: osgi.extender

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e4 dynamic menu contributions

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How to prevent floating editor windows in eclipse 4 RCP apps?

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How to pass an object from one part to another part in Eclispe e4 RCP?

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eclipse rcp keybindings don't work

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In Eclipse 4.4 RCP builds, "The service Plugin converter could not be acquired."

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Eclipse RCP e4 using cached version of Application.e4xmi file

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Undo shortcut not working in Eclipse

Updating UI contributions on Handler switch in e4 application model

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How to autostart org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.extender in a feature based eclipse rcp application?

NullPointerException in WorkbenchPage.busyShowView

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Using e3x property view with e4 Selection service from EMF Model

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How to create my own shell to replace the shell created in the MTrimmedWindow in e4 RCP?

How to get the IEclipseContext in an activator

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Eclipse 4 RCP (aka E4) documentation

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I cannot change the font size of package explorer in Eclipse

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