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New posts in osgi

OSGi Blueprint configuration: injecting a list of bean references

java osgi blueprint-osgi

Run OSGi Console of RCP Application (NOT the Host OSGi console)

eclipse plugins osgi bundle rcp

Concrete classes in OSGI API bundle

java osgi

How to do the Rewiring Framework after OSGi bundle update

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Java money reference implementation in OSGI

How to Invoke an OSGi Service from outside the OSGi Framework.?

java osgi osgi-bundle

what is 'enable=true' attribute of @Component in OSGi Component?

components osgi aem

importing org.eclipse.core packages for Eclipse plug-in

java eclipse-plugin osgi

modular/pluggable java web application

Eclipse OSGi bundle reqiure another bundle's fragment

java eclipse plugins osgi guice

UTF-8 not supported message from logging subsystem, Fuse ESB 4.4

OSGI expose An "ClassNotFoundException: org.w3c.dom.***" Error when release

osgi w3c

How to get property values from bundle manifest using BundleContext?

java osgi manifest

How does Arquillian compare to Pax Exam for OSGi (integration) testing?

Compiler optimization of public static final and OSGi

OSGi bundle imports packages from non-bundle jars: create bundles for them?

java jar osgi

Is there an alternative to loading a class with Class.forName()?

java osgi classloader

OSGi force bundle start twice with different configurations

osgi apache-felix

Remoting and OSGi

Is OSGi fundamentally incompatible with JSR-223 Scripting Language Discovery?

java osgi jsr223