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OSGi Blueprint configuration: injecting a list of bean references

I am trying to inject a list of beans in a list property in my blueprint.xml (similar to what you would do in Spring configuration):



<bean id="myBean" class="MyClass" />

<bean id="anotherBean" class="AnotherClass">
  <property name="myClasses">
      <ref bean="myBean" />



public class AnotherClass {
   private List<MyClass> myClasses;

   public void setMyClasses(List<MyClass> classes) {
     this.myClasses = classes;

I had a look at the Blueprint XML schema and the R4.2 enterprise spec (which we are using) and found nothing suitable. But this is just such an obvious use case that I can't believe that this is not possible.

Any suggestions what I am missing here and how to do this?

like image 233
Jens Avatar asked Mar 23 '23 19:03


1 Answers

I came across same issue and found an answer here. In ref element, change from bean to component-id.

<bean id="myBean" class="MyClass" />

<bean id="anotherBean" class="AnotherClass">
  <property name="myClasses">
      <ref component-id="myBean" />
like image 67
vmaroli Avatar answered Apr 25 '23 05:04
