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New posts in osgi

Will eclipse/osgi activators always be called at least once before code is accessed?

eclipse eclipse-plugin osgi

OSGi feature uninstall works, but bundles are still installed

Plugin Management for an Android application

android plugins osgi jpf

Modular OSGI Java Framework for Web?

OSGI @Component annotation does not include references required by the base class while extending an existing OSGI service

osgi aem apache-felix

Scala Library as an OSGi Bundle

scala osgi

How do I tell an Eclipse plugin where a native library resides for an external plugin?

Difference between Import-Package resolution:=optional and no dependency at all


OSGi bundles won't start - Unable to resolve sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects

java osgi aem apache-felix

OSGI bundle dependencies

eclipse library bundle - fails to export packages from some libraries

java eclipse osgi

OSGi Declarative Service - obtain ServiceReference in bind method

How do I use a Spring bean inside an OSGi bundle?

java spring osgi spring-dm

Message bus for OSGi services

<Export-Package> for all resources using maven-bundle-plugin

How is data exchanged between a service and a bundle in OSGi?

service osgi bundle

How to dynamically update references in an OSGi component?

osgi apache-felix

OSGI on google app engine?

java google-app-engine osgi

Is it appropriate to use OSGI framework on small java app?

java osgi

How to use bnd directives from maven-bundle-plugin?