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New posts in declarative-services

OSGi Declarative Service - obtain ServiceReference in bind method

Best Practice in an OSGi UI application

How do I start a specific bundle in my own OSGi application deployed in WAS 8.0?

JPA with OSGi DS example

Eclipse RCP 4 use bundle via declarative service

How to declare a requirement on the SCR extender capability?

osgi declarative-services

Does there exist an overview of OSGi terminology, frameworks and their relations?

Can an OSGi fragment bundle publish a declarative service?

OSGi Declarative Services in Eclipse, multiple service interfaces, and Thread Safety

Osgi Declarative service conditional binding

osgi declarative-services

What is the proper way of disabling an OSGi service at service start?

Apache Felix SCR @Reference cheatsheet

OSGi Declarative Services vs. ManagedService for configuring service?

Using OSGi declarative services in the context of a JUnit test