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New posts in websphere-8

JNDI Lookup of local EJB (no @EJB)

How to add Websphere Application Server Liberty Profile runtime dependencies to Maven POM?

Spring 4, Hibernate JPA JarInputStreamBasedArchiveDescriptor Error on Websphere 8.5.5

Call to an asynchronous servlet on WebSphere 8 results in AsyncIllegalStateException

How do I start a specific bundle in my own OSGi application deployed in WAS 8.0?

java.lang.NullPointerException for JerseyServletContainerInitializer while deploying web app on Websphere 8.5

jersey jax-rs websphere-8

Log4JLogger does not implement Log when deploying on websphere 8.5.01

How to distribute websphere server configuration (datasources,jms,...) to multiple instances?

websphere websphere-8

jax-ws web service does not work in websphere 8.5

How to configure Java Message Driven Beans and Websphere Activation specification without hardcoded JNDI Names?

Group to role mapping in IBM Liberty (WLP) when using war

How to install Jenkins on WebSphere 8.5

jenkins websphere-8

ShallowEtagHeaderFilter does not work under WAS8 app server

JAX-RS implementation on Websphere

Jenkins WebSphere deployer plugin fails

Stop IBM RAD from restarting applications on code change.