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New posts in jenkins-plugins

Android emulator plugin doesn't find the android SDK

Jenkins Maven Release: Replace Snapshot Dependencies

Incorporate jenkins environment variables into groovy template for email notification

Using ssh-agent with jenkins while polling SCM

Any alternative to Coverity on Jenkins? [closed]

Jenkins Email-ext plugin default Jelly script shows all unit tests, not just failed ones

Is it possible to run Sonar plugin on Jenkins without any build process?

Jenkins "Choice Parameter" - is there any way to define text and value using separator?

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Access file parameter in jenkins

List all jobs, which were running on a specific slave node

How to pass file to downstream job which blocks upstream job?

How to generate an .hpi plugin from an existing project for jenkins

Can't select credential kind when creating Jenkins credentials inside folder

jenkins jenkins-plugins

Conditional Parameter based on User input in Jenkins

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Groovy Script to list S3 files in Jenkins parameter value

1 jenkins job trigger multiple jenkins jobs based on parameters

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Why can't I get the Jenkins Powershell plugin to work?

How to remember parameter values used on last build in Jenkins/Hudson

Jenkins email-ext trigger e-mail for culprits not working as expected

How to change a Git URL in all Jenkins jobs