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How to remember parameter values used on last build in Jenkins/Hudson

I need to remember the last parameter values when I begin a new build with parameters.

I have two string parameters:


On the first build execution I need those values in blank, but for the second execution, I need the values of the first execution, in the third execution the values of the second execution, and so on...

Do I need to install a plugin? I have tried using dynamic param with groovy, but I can't extract the last value. Does anybody know how to do this or have any other idea?

like image 647
davdomin Avatar asked Feb 16 '23 10:02


1 Answers

There is a Rebuild plugin that would allow you to re-build any job of interest. It also allows you to modify one or more of the original build parameters

like image 134
Ioannis K. Moutsatsos Avatar answered Feb 18 '23 00:02

Ioannis K. Moutsatsos