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New posts in email-ext

Jenkins Email-ext plugin default Jelly script shows all unit tests, not just failed ones

Jenkins email-ext trigger e-mail for culprits not working as expected

How to invoke groovy templates in the Jenkins email-ext plugin

Quickly testing Jelly templates in email-ext of Jenkins

Jenkins : Sending success email only once a day (though the job is running @hourly)

How can a pre-send script retrieve parameters of a parameterized Jenkins job?


Email Extension Plugin - can't get BUILD_LOG_EXCERPT to work

Jenkins Email-ext Pre-send Script

Jenkins pass build parameters to email-ext template

how can jenkins downstream job send email notification to upstream git committers via email-ext

Jenkins Email-ext variables

Email-ext and Workflow/Pipeline - some tokens not being expanded?

Sending email-ext messages to multiple recipients with friendly names

Jenkins pipeline - emailextrecipients is empty

Get URL of Job in mail body in Jenkins

Getting email-ext script templates to work with Jenkins pipeline