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New posts in continuous-integration

How to push docker images through reverse proxy to artifactory

How to handle migrations in CI of a django application

How to pass file to downstream job which blocks upstream job?

Unable to disconnect Heroku app from GitHub Account

How can I run .NET Core unit tests in Bamboo?

Circle CI Could not find method google() for arguments [] on repository container

Is it possible to delay CI build on Hudson until commit activity tapers?

CruiseControl.NET, is Nant really necessary?

Using tf.exe to get code for different workspaces

Concurrent/Continuous Testing for nodejs (ncrunch for nodejs)

NuGet Package Restore does not fetch Build Target Assemblies (Tools)

what is difference between hudson and jenkins? [duplicate]

TFS build powershell script step : Not able to access $(Date:yyyyMMdd) variable

How to retrieve Git commit id and message in VSTS/TFS build?

Bitbucket Pipelines & non-headless Puppeteer?

GitHub Actions Disable Auto Cancel When Job Fails

Is it possible to parameterize subversion repository URL with revision in Hudson?

How to increment build number of Flutter IOS app when deploying with CodeMagic

Saving cache on job failure in GitHub Actions

What's the difference between Phing and PHPUnderControl?