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New posts in msbuild

Launch desktop application from MSBuild

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Adding a Postbuild event to a project

Xamarin and APK Signing - Change path to JarSigner

EsentVersionStoreOutOfMemoryAndCleanupTimedOutException when building on new TFS 2013 build machine

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ItemGroup include files with condition


Visual Studio Online - Build - There are agents that are capable of running the build, but they are not online

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Using SonarQube with TeamCity and C# / .NET

MSBuild.exe and dotnet 4.5

ASP.NET MVC Core No executable found matching command "dotnet-bundle"

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Error building Angular2 app with Visual Studio

How to add a reference to an Azure Function C# project?

Using CakeBuild XMLPoke change inner text value of node

c# xml msbuild cakebuild xmlpoke

Build all solutions within a tree using Cake (C# make)?

c# msbuild cakebuild

MSBuild 15: The "Error" task could not be instantiated

msbuild c#-7.0 msbuild-15

Running Target after files are published to FileSystem

TFS 2017 - Build Server does not build Visual Studio 2017

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Folder not being copied to Output directory

how to exclude(disable) PackageReference's (transitive)dependency in MSBuild?

Nuget restore fails with .NET Core SDK 5.0.100

Is it possible to pass properties between MSBuild projects?
