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New posts in cakebuild

How do I pass an argument that is a string array to my Cake script?


How can I make OpenCover return an error when there is a failing test in the Test Runner?

c# cakebuild

Using CakeBuild XMLPoke change inner text value of node

c# xml msbuild cakebuild xmlpoke

Build all solutions within a tree using Cake (C# make)?

c# msbuild cakebuild

How To Use Nuget Packages in Cake Build Tool

Cake enabling Parallel MSBuild


Can I define a reusable subroutine/function/method within a Cake script?


Hide services passwords in Cake Build

c# cakebuild

How to tag and version automatically on build using Azure Devops and Cake Build?

Breaking change in GetFiles with 0.15.2 can't exclude folders

c# cakebuild

Issues of executing remote powershell script using cake-build

How to run two cake file one by one based on first cake file compilation success?

c# cakebuild

How can cake build arguments be documented?

Conditionally load .cake files


Exporting Cake dotnet core test output to TeamCity

Passing string[] from batch file (which contains double quotes ") to powershell script

c# powershell cakebuild

TeamCity doesn't pick up result of xUnit tests when testing .NET Core project

How to enable diagnostic verbosity for Cake
