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How can one prevent accessing content directly?

c# asp.net-mvc

IEnumerable property is null after submit

C# generate Guid that is unique(does not exist in a table in the database)

How should I secure my SPA and Web.API?

The controller for path '/Home' was not found or does not implement IController

MVC 4 model coming back null

List model razor view

c# asp.net asp.net-mvc razor

Prevent html tags entries in mvc textbox using regular expression

Can I use Telerik ASP.NET MVC extensions on real projects? [closed]

Handle Stored Procedure in Entity Framework

How do I show member details on every page?

asp.net-mvc razor-2

ASP.NET MVC 4 - Unique routes for Groups of users?

Mvc action link redirect to folder within view folder

asp.net-mvc razor

ASP.NET Web Api 2 - Subdomain Attribute Routing

Passing a class object from one controller action to different controller action in ASP.net MVC 4

How to prevent user from going back to the login-page after successful login using back button

Lambda Expression if-else statement in where clauses

Convert a NameValueCollection to a dynamic object [closed]

c# asp.net-mvc

ASP.NET Web API Routing in ApiController

Render error view when we encounter an exception

c# asp.net-mvc