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Handle Stored Procedure in Entity Framework

How to handle stored procedure that returns different outputs in Entity Framwork. For example , on sp, there is if condition and else condition. if condition return integer and else condition return datatable. How to handle this using entity framework in vs. Please advice.

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Raju S Nair Avatar asked Mar 23 '23 12:03

Raju S Nair

1 Answers

Starting from EF 4.1 this is possible. The only requirement is to know what the SP is going to return in each case.

In my example I use

DbContext.Database.SqlQuery<TElement>(string sql, params object[] parameters)

This generic method takes as a generic parameter the type you would like to use for materialization. It also takes SQL expression you would like to execute as a parameter, along with it's parameters as param'd array.

Simplified SP (no input parameters) usage is:

var res = ctx.Database.SqlQuery<MyResultType1>("dbo.MyStoredProcedure");

foreach (var r in res)
        "col1:{0}; col2:{1}; col3={2}", 

So, you can do following:

IEnumerable res
if(...your logic...) 
    res = ctx.Database.SqlQuery<MyResultType1>(...your SP call...);
    res = ctx.Database.SqlQuery<MyResultType2>(...your SP call...);

This way you are going to fill your collection with SP output resultset the way you want.

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OzrenTkalcecKrznaric Avatar answered Apr 02 '23 16:04
