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Can not open mvc4 project in visual studio 2012?

i'm newbie for mvc4 this is my first project (web app) i get source project from my friends. they work normally. when i open project VS2012 and then alert

Unsupported This version of Visual Studio does not have the following project types installed or does not support them. You can still open these projects in the version of Visual Studio in which they were originally created. - B2B.Web, "D:\ServiceClone\ServiceClone-1706\B2B.Web\B2B.Web.csproj"

and in solution explorer i can not load a project. at the project name it says incompatible

How resolve?

PS. I searched in google but I have not find a work solution. Sorry I'm not good at English :P

like image 567
MaiMali Avatar asked Mar 23 '23 13:03


1 Answers

You need to install MVC4 on that machine first.

To download MVC4 set up Click here.

like image 172
Sanjeev Rai Avatar answered Apr 01 '23 21:04

Sanjeev Rai