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New posts in build-server

TFS 2017 - Build Server does not build Visual Studio 2017

tfs msbuild build-server

What build servers can function with workers behind NAT?

Continuous integration with .net and svn [closed]

MSBuild 15 Tools Version not accepted

Delphi 10 Seattle Automated Builds

Jenkins with reverse proxy to alternative port number

Run TFS with Docker

How to configure CruiseControl.NET to build one project on a remote server

Can Hudson be configured to build every revision?


tfs msbuild build-server

Azure build fail with TFS hosted buildserver: Windows Azure Tools\2.0\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.targets" was not found

Concourse with Windows Containers

Exit code 100 returned from process - error when getting source from TFS

TeamCity - Stop build when a test fails

Poll: Build Server in a Virtual Machine?

Which parts of the Azure 2.7 SDK do I need to install on a build server?

Windows Service user account trouble for TFSBuildServiceHost.exe

Continuous Integration server for C++ - What about library dependencies?