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New posts in agile

Why is unit testing so important in agile? [closed]

unit-testing agile

How to create a filter to show issues without worklog in JIRA

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How do you begin breaking your project up into smaller pieces? [closed]

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What is the Test Plan on TFS?

High level architecture [closed]

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Should human factor be taken into account when deciding on what process to use? [closed]

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Recommendation for a book on "expressive" PL/SQL? [closed]

Is it a bug? Unintended behavior from agreed specifications [closed]

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Avoiding TDD making big refactorings harder [closed]

Linking requirements with function tests [closed]

How to configure task cards on agile board in Youtrack? [closed]

agile youtrack

Scrum: What's the average number of stories in your backlog [closed]

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Introducing agile practices in a subproject only? [closed]

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Newest Agile Design Methods for code construction [closed]

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Recommended TDD/Agile/Source Control plugins for Visual Studio 2008 [closed]

In scrum, is changing acceptance criteria during a sprint OK? [closed]

Developers and DevOps? [closed]

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what is Jazz projects or Jazz based project? [closed]

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Using Scrum on a "Personal Time" Project [closed]

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Big picture planning with Agile [closed]