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New posts in refactoring

How to merge two classes with much the same code but operating on different structures

Long list of if comparisons in java

Should I refactor multiple conditions on ng-if in angularjs?

Refactoring Django class-based views, clean up 18 repetitive classes.

Using Applicative notation for parsers whose result is discarded

Refactoring from ActiveRecord to DataMapper

How can I improve this Rails code?

Javascript refactor

javascript refactoring

Refactoring - Speed increase

c# linq refactoring profiling

Compromising design & code quality to integrate with existing modules

oop refactoring

What are the best practices for preventing SQL creep?

Extjs ajax code refactor

Converting all functions into classes

c++ refactoring oop

How to request from JAVA to support something?

Number of parameters in method

java selenium refactoring

What is the best way to refactor code with many if and duplicated logic for extracting a value from different Controls classes

How to create an interface out of a class easily?

RequireJS slowed down the load of my web app

Osherove's naming convention for negative unit tests?

Are these statements equivalent?