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New posts in code-duplication

How to merge two classes with much the same code but operating on different structures

avoid code duplication on multiple c++ template spezialization [duplicate]

Send expression in java

java code-duplication

Avoid duplicate code with numerous Java classes sharing fields

How can I avoid duplicate code with the same method body but different return types in Java?

How to not duplicate code for printing tree

Call same function many times and process combined result set

Reducing code duplication in C program with nearly identical statements in if/else?

Group two functions that differ in only 1 line of code

How to avoid getters/setters in classes with many instance variables

How to reduce code duplication in this example

Exclude Sonarqube's duplicate code check between two specific classes

Maintaining a Lite and Pro Version of Python Project with Git/PyCharm

How do I avoid code duplication when modelling a table, its layout, and its records, all of which share the same basic structure?

How to add global variables used by all tests in Javascript?

Which pattern to use to avoid code duplication with object value transformer

Code duplication between typedefs and explicit instantiations

Rails Jquery rendering js.erb partial from another js.erb file

Deduplicate this java code duplication

Avoid code duplication when using C++11 copy & move