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New posts in data-access-layer

Using an abstraction layer over DbContext

Starting to construct a data access layer. Things to consider?

.net sql orm data-access-layer

query for null values in web2py DAL

data-access-layer web2py

Singleton DAL class

Improving the performance of an nHibernate Data Access Layer

Difference between Data Access layer and Database Abstraction Layer and refactoring the Database class [duplicate]

Proper abstraction of the database tier in a 3 tier system?

Where to catch exceptions

Querydsl null-safe concatenation

Code generators or ORMs?

LINQ - which layer should LINQ typically fall into, DAL?

What would you put into the unit test of a repository class (data access layer)?

NHibernate removes DAL?

Which is better, filtering results at db or application?


Using interfaces for writing DAO classes

What is the best approach to make DAL?

Merits of .NET ORM data access methods Enity Framework vs. NHibernate vs. Subsonic vs. ADO.NET Datasets

.net orm data-access-layer

Design Strategy: Query and Update data across 2 different databases