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New posts in nhibernate

How can i do select count(*) from TABLE with nHibernate without queryOver?

nhibernate hql

Sub query in Nhibernate

linq nhibernate

NHibernate: Cascading saves to children does not insert

NHibernate query extremely slow compared to hard coded SQL query

Nhibernate count distinct (based on multiple columns)

Working with Time Type in Fluent Nhibernate generates exception "Unable to cast object of type 'System.DateTime' to type 'NHibernate.Type.TimeType"

NHibernate Sqldatetime must be between 1/1/1753 and 12/31/9999

c# sql-server nhibernate

variable of type referenced from scope, but it is not defined


Getting stated with NHibernate. Real world project example?


NHibernate ICriteria - Does the sort allow for null?

c# nhibernate .net-3.5

Use type of object in HQL where clause

nhibernate hibernate hql

Fluent Nhibernate Schema Generation

nHibernate output sql logging during unit testings

Should one use self-referencing generic inheritance like Customer : Entity<Customer>

NHibernate remove item in collection not working

c# nhibernate collections

Can someone help me understand why an auto-identity (int) is bad when using NHibernate?

asp.net-mvc nhibernate

Handling collection properties in a class and NHibernate entities

c# nhibernate oop collections

SchemaUpdate does not drop tables or delete columns

Weird override problem with Fluent NHibernate and .NET 4

NHibernate mappings issue when referencing class (lazy load issue?)