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New posts in .net-3.5

NHibernate ICriteria - Does the sort allow for null?

c# nhibernate .net-3.5

How do I loop through all layers of Treeview nodes?

c# winforms .net-3.5 loops

How can I use a custom TabItem control when databinding a TabControl in WPF?

How to I find specific generic overload using reflection?

What ORM frameworks for .NET and Oracle Do You Like Best? [closed]

.net oracle .net-3.5 orm

what causes the .NET SerialPort class DataReceived event to fire?

wpf .net-3.5 serial-port

Traversing a list, execute a method: Extension possible?

c# .net linq .net-3.5 lambda

ASP.NET Temporary or Session Variable

c# asp.net .net-3.5

Creating graphics from scratch and returning them to print a page event

c# .net-3.5 printing

.NET 3.5 - Export X509Certificate2 PublicKey - Cannot find the requested object

Counting items in a multi-dimensional array

System.ArgumentException Column <ColumnName> does not belong to table

.net .net-3.5

Response.Redirect - Problem Sending Redirect with Hash if Current page had URL of destination URL with Hash

c# asp.net .net-3.5

Issues with upgrading a site from .net 2.0 to 3.5

c# .net .net-3.5 .net-2.0

How to query MS Access database with C# application?

c# ms-access .net-3.5 interop

Statically define a member using the dynamically determined class type

c# events .net-3.5 types

Can't install MSI built with VS2010 that targets framework 3.5

C# Threading - lock - how to check lock occurrences

c# multithreading .net-3.5

Why am I getting a serialization error?

How come the .NET framework 3.5 offline installer is 200 MBs larger than the .NET 4 offline installer?