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Using LINQ2SQL to insert a large number of records

C# 3.0 compatibility on .Net 2.0

Is this method a good aproach to get SQL values from C#?

c# sql-server .net-3.5

.NET version with 64-bit versus 32-bit assemblies

Decrement all int values in Dictionary

c# .net linq generics .net-3.5

Passing a parameter value to SQL stored proc of an optional string in asp.net

determine List type in C#


VSTO Outlook Embed Image MailItem

powershell 2 new-object "Cannot find type..." exception when instantiate .net class implemented interface from external library

LINQ query on object with unknown class

WPF Bind ControlTemplate's content to Property in Control?

wpf .net-3.5 wpf-controls

Getting "This method or property cannot be called on Null values" error

Generic extension method for an array does not compile

Depth first search using Queue

Parsing time without date in a TextBox

c# wpf vb.net datetime .net-3.5

Extension methods usage - Isn't this bad design?

Sending Data from child form to Parent Form TextBox

c# winforms .net-3.5

NAnt not running NUnit tests

.net-3.5 nunit nant

Visual Studio 2008 breakpoint is not working

Does a .NET Windows service require a call to ServiceBase.Run()