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New posts in linq-to-sql

How do you skip default value columns on insert/update in Linq To SQL?

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Linq to SQL: order by value in related table

linq linq-to-sql

How do I combine two Member Expression Trees?

LINQ to SQL architecture. What is best?

L2S (LINQ to SQL) or EF (Entity Framework)

Is my DB connection closed? (Linq to Sql)

T-SQL selecting values that match ISNUMERIC and also are within a specified range. (plus Linq-to-sql)

Constructor or Explicit cast

c# linq linq-to-sql

LINQ-to-SQL performance issue for mass inserts

cannot convert from 'System.Data.Linq.Binary' to 'System.IO.BinaryReader'

How do I test if a Linq to SQL query returns no rows?


LINQ to SQL: How to handle ambiguous column names when joining tables?

ExecuteScalar() analogue in custom Linq to Sql query

Repository Pattern and MVC help

Error - LINQ/TransactionScope with multiple database connections

LinqPad - write SQL and it converts to Linq Lambda

Convert the results of IQueryable to a string to display in a textbox

ASP.Net MVC & Entity Framework project architecture WITHOUT repository pattern

how to refresh .dbml sync to database [duplicate]

"Timeout expired" exception on code exclusively using using statements