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New posts in anonymous-types

Can I use an anonymous type for this Linq grouping?

LINQ to SQL: How to handle ambiguous column names when joining tables?

Converting anonymous type to DataTable

How to access anonymous union/struct member in C++?

c++ anonymous-types

Make anonymous object from unknown xml

c# xml anonymous-types

c# any way for an anonymous class to escape an inner scope block?

c# anonymous-types

Why can't I pass an anonymous type as a parameter to a function?

.net linq anonymous-types

c# anonymous type question

Access properties in anonymous type collection - C#

C#: Memory allocation for Anonymous Variables

c# anonymous-types

Passing Anonymous types as parameters to the functions

.net anonymous-types

ASP.NET razor ternary expression on anonymous types

When selecting an anonymous type with LINQ from EF, is there no way to run a method on an object as you select it?

Include properties based on conditions in anonymous types

c# .net anonymous-types

Populating DataGrid in WPF with anonymous type collection

.net Databinding - Referencing Anonymous Type Properties

How to enumerate through an anonymously-typed collection?

c# .net linq anonymous-types

Methods and Anonymous Types

C++ anonymous struct pointer assignment

Anonymous Type to Real Class Refactoring