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How can I get the callee in PHP? [duplicate]

php language-features

Extensions methods and forward compatibilty of source code

Managing multiple .NET languages in a web application

Events on PHP. Is it possible?

Where can I find the Java features list

java language-features

c# anonymous type question

Appropriate high level language to deal with binary data

How to combine templates with enums in C++?

Difference between func(_) and func _

scala language-features

Ignore Ada Function Return Values

language-features ada

Ruby language feature of Set[1,2,3]

How is Nullable<T> different from a similar custom C# struct?

ASP-style tags for Perl web development?

Array/list vs Dictionary (why we have them at first place)

Why the difference between int a[5] = {0} and int a[5]={1} (Missing Feature) [closed]

What is it called in Java when you create an instance on the fly?

Mistaken mass deletes and updates -- design error?

sql language-features

boolean expressions, why just two terms?

How do you structure your comparison functions?

What is the best way to attach static methods to classes rather than to instances of a class?