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New posts in anonymous-class

How to access fields declared inside anonymous object without reflection?

Why is this Java code working? compiler doesn't complain about closure

Why does Java create anonymous class internally as static?

How to inherit & change a class only for a specific object at initialization?

Using templates with anonymous classes scoped inside a function

Why can I not call methods added to an anonymous class in Java?

java java-7 anonymous-class

Java - how much space does anonymous object take?

Closure in Java or something like it

Why not Constructor in Anonymous class in java?Its contradicting OOPs rule [closed]

Anonymous class question

Write a custom syntax interpreter in java?

How to access fields declared inside anonymous object?

"Variable example might not have been initialized" in anonymous class

java anonymous-class

ArrayList.remove(int index) not working with non-anonymous class object

What is it called in Java when you create an instance on the fly?

Boolean vs boolean(s) as trilean switches

Unintended consequences of anonymous class created just for sake of adding instance initialization block

java anonymous-class

What is this technique called in Java?

java anonymous-class

a ClassCastException about anonymous class (java)