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New posts in java-7

Word Wrap in JEditorPane and System Font

java swing java-7 jeditorpane

Cannot launch SQL Developer 4.0.1

Android doesn't support Java v7+, so should I use multiple catches or one catch with instanceof checks?

non-validating DocumentBuilder trying to read DTD file

java xml java-7 dtd

Can't find 1.7 JDK after installing it

java macos java-7

Should I use a try-with-resources statement for each line of log?

Why introducing Autocloseable instead of extending the possible exceptions in Closeable

JDK7 SSL conenction Issue Ignoring unsupported cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256

ssl java-7

Invalid flag -parameters in java 1.7

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Can't run Maven 3.6.3 on JDK7

java maven maven-3 java-7

JComboBox returning values

java swing jcombobox java-7

Java 8 interface/class loader changes?

DecimalFormat not working properly after windows update

Eclipse CVS extssh broken under Windows 7 + Java 7

eclipse ssh cvs vpn java-7

What community version of Jboss is recommended for jdk 1.7 and why

jboss seam java-7 migrate

Why can I not call methods added to an anonymous class in Java?

java java-7 anonymous-class

How to Enable TLS1.1 in Java7 for Axis1 webservice client

Calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) returning wrong day

java calendar java-7

Difference in Java Collection between JDK 6 and JDK8

java-8 java-7 jdk6

Java 7 Syntax error
