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New posts in maven-3

When plugin goal is executed: before or after declared phase?

maven assembly plugin dependencySet with transitive dependencies

Maven - Is it possible to build a project specifying multiple profiles simultaneously?

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Maven archetype - optional property, empty by default

"No public or protected classes found to document" error from path with accents

Maven : How to use local lib directory for dependencies instead of maven respoitories

Can't run Maven 3.6.3 on JDK7

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Errorformat for maven3 in vim

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Maven archetype + Velocity: how to show the date

Workspace defines a VM that does not contain a valid jre/lib/rt.jar: C:\Program Files\Java\jre7

Apache Maven installation in windows 8

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How to publish a 3rd party files to remote maven repo using an existing pom.xml?

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how to list all maven profiles defined in project including all sub modules?

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Error : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/openqa/selenium/HasInputDevices , when running tests using ghostdriver

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Weird NoClassDef-s with Eclipse Jetty's Maven plugin

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mvn versions:set not updating child poms

Maven: Why does adding test source via build helper not work when generating eclipse project?

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Getting java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: lombok.javac.handlers.HandleHelper while Building maven project

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liquibase maven plugin multiple changeLogFile

How to access maven property from Jenkins?

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